Bhensine Nilavadhanananda

Artist : Bhensine Nilavadhanananda

Born : 1945 Ratburi,
Education :
1969 Silpakorn University, Bangkok
1977 Ecole
Nationale Superieure des Beaux Arts de Paris, France
Selected Individual
Exhibitions :
1991 Landscape of Ile d’Aix, Ile d’Aix, France
Landscape of Ile d’Aix, Centrale de Banque-Paris, France
1992 Landscape of
Ile d’Aix, Restaurant de Beaux-Arts-Paris, France
1993-1994 Landscape of Ile
d’Aix, UNESCO, France
1993-1994 Paris in My Impression, The National Gallery,
1995 Italian Rambles, Alliance Francaise, Bangkok
2007 “Vivid”,
The National Gallery, Bangkok
Selected Group Exhibitions :
1969 Five Women
Artists, Gallery of Uab Sanaen, Bangkok
1970-75 Works of Students of Ecole
Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts-Paris, France

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