Kade Javanalikikorn

Artist : Kade Javanalikikorn

Kade Javanalikikorn
Born:1961, Bangkok

Permanent Address
12 Navatanee, Mu 1 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Thailand.
Tel/Fax. (662) 376-1498

1985 B.F.A. (Painting & Drawing), North Texas State University, Denton, Texas, U.S.A.

1995 Cultural Asset Preservation and Restoration (wooden building), JICA, Osaka, Japan

1987- 1997 Instructor: Division of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
1997-2000 Assistance Professor: Division of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
Associate Dean. (Student Affair), Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
1998-1999 Head of Painting Division, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.
1999-2001 Head of Paint Making, Painting, Sculpture Depart ment, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai University.

Solo Exhibition
1993 – ‘Brown Air, Brown Trees, Brown Ocean and a Dirty Automobile, Art Forum, Bangkok & Chiang Inn Plaza, Chiang Mai
1996-1997 – ‘Pinocchio’, Small Theatre, Kad Suan Kaew, Chiang Mai
1998 -‘Yes & No (Back against the wall)’, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai & The National Art Gallery, Bangkok
1999 -‘Amphur Mae Tang,Chiang Mai’, Faculty of Fine Arts, Chiang Mai & Place of Art, Bangkok
2003 -‘Sublime’, H Gallery, Bangkok
2005 -‘Colours next to black’, Art Replublic, Bangkok

Selected Exhibition
1990 – ‘3 x 1990’, the Gallery, Chiang Mai & The Artist Gallery, Bangkok
1991 – ‘From the Outside Looking in USIS’, Chiang Mai & The National Gallery, Bangkok
1992 – ‘Two for Tangle’, Dialogue 1991, Bangkok
– ‘Melancholic Trance’, Visual Dhamma, Bangkok
– ‘The New Path’, CON – tempus, Bangkok
1993 – ‘Chiang Mai Social Installation’, Chiang Mai
1994 – 4th Asian Art Show’, Fukuoka & Tokyo, Japan
– ‘Rebirth of Thing’, Ideal Art Gallery, Bangkok
– ‘An International Fax Art’, Concrete House, Nontaburi, Thailand
1995 – Charity Auction Exhibition for the Kobe Earthquake Victims, Osaka, Japan
– Chiang Mai Social Installation, Chiang Mai
1996 – ‘Sad Dog’, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai
1997 – Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition: 50 Years of Thai Art, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok
1998 – Golden Jubilee Art Exhibition, Chiang Mai University Art Museum, Chiang Mai
2000 – Thai, Japan, Vietnam Contemporary Art Bangkok, Tokyo, Vietnam
2001 – ‘Hot Dog’, Chiang Mai University Art Museum, Chiang Mai

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